Woody Essential Oils Benefits to Clearing Your Brain – Great Bear Rainforest Essential Oils

The Magic of Woody Essential Oils to Clear Your Brain

Are you looking for a boost in your day without having to reach for another cup of tea or coffee? 

Traditionally the people of the Pacific Coast have been harnessing the power of essential oils to heal and awaken the senses for thousands of years, and for good reason. The olfactory system (which deals with smell) is directly linked to the emotional amygdala, which is the emotional core of the brain. It also connects to the limbic system, which controls your memories, breathing, and stress levels to name a few. 

This means that certain essential oils may be able to affect your body and mind in a matter of moments. Diffusing essential oils aromatically or using them in topical applications may bring out mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits. Here are some of the most popular woodsy essential oils and their benefits.

Essential Oils Benefits

Shore Pine Essential Oil (Pinus contorta)

Adaptable and resilient, Shore Pines thrive in a wide range of ecosystems and soil types. The oil’s regenerative qualities reflect the character of the tree – once conditions are appropriate, these Pines are among the first to grow following forest fires and other forest disturbances. The bright, citrus vapours of these versatile trees are said to calm, life, and refresh fatigued spirits. Shore Pine has also been used traditionally by the people of the Coast to treat body aches and pains. Dilute the Shore Pine in a carrier oil, such as jojoba, and apply it topically to sore muscles.

Douglas Fir Essential Oil (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Rising up to an awe-inspiring 85 meters, the Douglas Fir is one of the most immense trees of the world. Traditional uses are numerous for Coastal Indigenous peoples – notably, the fresh, fragrant boughs often cover the floors of ceremonial spaces and sweat lodges. The uses of Douglas Fir can be extended into your home as well. The oil is believed to have anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Try adding a few drops to a water spray bottle the next time you clean your home.

Western Hemlock Essential Oil (Tsuga heterophylla)

The towering, graceful silhouette of this Pacific Northwest giant cannot be forgotten. Growing up to 50 meters above the forest floor, the Western Hemlock is distinguished by its drooping treetop and soft, feathery fans of needles. The people of the Bella Coola regions were known to used poultices made from Western Hemlock to treat burns, cuts, heart ailments and rheumatism. Add a few drops to your diffuser next time you wish to clear your sinuses and awaken the mind.

Depending on the essential oil you choose, and the way you apply it to your healing routine, woodsy essential oils may benefit the mind and body. Traditional healers have used these impressive trees in ceremonies, rituals, and healing for thousands of years. That’s why Great Bear Rainforest Essential Oils are carefully steam-distilled from fresh, sustainably harvested conifer needles gathered in the Great Bear Rainforest region.

Click here to shop now. 

The content in this article and on our website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be substituted for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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  • I’ve used spray oils(hydrosol) and I spray my linen but I find it to be a total waste of money because the smell last fir 2 minutes, can you please tell me how strong your linen spray is and once sprayed, does it have long lasting effects? Thank you in advance!

    Dale Valiukas on